Alenka v F# moll -
E moll
+ kapo 2
Sitng v H moll -
A moll
+ kapo 2, E
moll + 7
Zpěv Alenka + kytara Jirka
| reHmimember me when the | Gwest wind moves |
Upon the fields of | Dbarley.
. You'll | Hmiforget
the sun in his | Gjealous Dsky
As we | G
walk in Afields of | goldHmi
Krátké sólo banjo: Hmi |G |D|
D | ..
Přidá se Láví (kytara), Miloš (basa) a Karel
DSo she Hmitook her love
for to Ggaze awhile
Upon the fields of Dbarley
HmiIn his arms she fell as her Ghair came Ddown
GAmong the Afields of Dgold
Přidají se všichni, zpívá Alenka + Jirka
DWill you Hmistay with me will you Gbe
my love
Upon the fields of Dbarley
forget the sun in his Gjealous Dsky
we lie Ain fields Hmiof gold
Krátké sólo banjo: Hmi |G |D|
D | ..
Zpívá Alenka
DSee the
Hmiwest wind move like a Glover so
Upon the
fields of Dbarley
HmiFeel her body rise when
you Gkiss her Dmouth
GAmong the
Afields of Dgold
GI never made promises Dlightly
there have been Dsome that I've broken
GBut I
swear in the Ddays still left
We'll Gwalk in
Afields of Dgold
We'll Gwalk in
Afields of goldD
Sólo - jako sloka (banjo nebo harmonika nebo kytara)
Na konci Láví udělá brnk a kapela přestane hrát. Dál hraje jen 2. kytara
(Jirka) a zpívá Alenka.
DMany Hmiyears have passed since Gthose
summer days
Among the fields of Dbarley
See the
Hmichildren run as the Gsun goes Ddown
GAmong the Afields of Dgold
Zpívá Alenka + kdo si troufne anglicky, hrají
DYou'll reHmimember me when
the Gwest wind moves
Upon the fields of Dbarley
You can Hmitell the sun in his Gjealous Dsky
GWhen we Awalked in Dfields of gold
When we Gwalked in Afields of Dgold
When we Gwalked in Afields of gold
3 takty se hraje + dlouhý brnk Jirka